Main Grounds Reconstruction Plan 本園建築計画 |
ホワイトホーム White Home
The building will be left as is, with only modifications to the interior.
The building will be used to accommodate short stays by alumni, and to train children who are about to graduate from the homes to live on their own.
センターホール Central Hall
Will be used as a dormitory-type hall for our own and outside trainee staff.
Between the hall and entryway will be a large kitchen.
The exterior will be made to look like the old hall built in the 1940s, with a stained-glass window.
家庭支援棟 Family Support Home
Purpose will be to allow families visiting their children to spend unhurried, quality time with them, and to stay overnight if necessary.
There are 2DK units on each of the two floors.
本園ホーム(4棟)Main Grounds Homes (4)
Houses where the children and staff live together 24/7.
They are each 7LDK homes built of wood, featuring open airspace, a large dining room area and a bright sun room.
Main Grounds Homes Floor Plan 本園ホームフロアプラン |
玄関 entryway
リビングダイニング living/dining room
キッチン kitchen
食品庫兼納戸 pantry/storage room
浴室 bathroom
洗面脱衣室 sink/changing room
トイレ toilet
家事室 utility room
和室 tatami-mat room
職員居室 staff personal room
リフレッシュルーム “refresh room”
サンルーム sun room
スタッフルーム staff room
外部収納 external storage space
子ども部屋 children’s rooms
ウォークインクローゼットwalk-in closet
ベランダ veranda
Takano Home Reconstruction Plan 高野ホーム建築計画 |
高野ホーム(地域小規模児童養護施設) Takano Home (local small-scale children’s/group home)
A home built of wood, much like the homes on the main grounds.
Goal is to allow children and staff to live closely with their neighbors and the local neighborhood.
An additional smaller entryway is attached to allow a staff member and their family to live in the home as well.
Takano Home Floor Plan 高野ホームフロアプラン |